
We always offer service to customers who have developed their ice cream parlours with us and had them installed by us. Established ice cream parlours can also turn to us for service. In urgent cases, you can reach us directly.

Below you can read how our service works, and we answer some of the most frequently asked questions.

Getting in touch

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    This is how it works

    Step 1: Consultancy

    Our service starts from the very first conversation. We are happy to work with you to see what your ice cream parlour needs to become successful. We can help with the layout, determine which displays and equipment are needed and can also help with the technical installation.

    We have no problem working with an interior designer if they are affiliated to the project.

    Step 2: Installation

    After discussing furnishing and equipment, we will process your order. We then deliver the equipment on site and take care of the installation. One of our mechanics can take care of all technical matters, so you don’t have a worry in the world.

    Once the installation is complete, we will run through everything together and the ice cream parlour can open (again).

    Step 3: Check-up

    The products we supply last for years. Nevertheless, it is always good to do an annual check-up to get ahead of possible problems. We are happy to offer this check-up in the off-season. This ensures you have a good summer season and will not have to close your doors unexpectedly.

    Frequently asked questions

    Can I download a leaflet/manual for more info?

    Each product has a manual with information and a technical sheet.

    Where can I find installation drawings with dimensions?

    Each manual has a technical sheet, but for very specific information, it is best to contact

    In most cases, we can customise displays as required.

    How does the installation work?

    We are happy to take care of the installation, but you can of course do it yourself too. We have ice displays with internal and external compressors, air- or water-cooled or both. External compressors involve more installation work. We will then review the specific situation with our certified installers.

    Built-in or external compressor, which is better?

    That is very difficult to say without knowing your specific situation. Together, we can see what the best option is. Feel free to contact us at

    Is there a showroom?

    We have two showrooms. One in Italy and the other in Bladel (Netherlands). Both showrooms can be visited by appointment only. Feel free to contact us to drop by, at

    Which countries do you operate/supply in?

    We deliver mainly in EU countries and the UK. However, we can optionally deliver to other countries. Keep in mind that invoices are always made out in euros.

    What does customisation mean at Gelato World?

    The customisation we offer is very extensive. We can customise the entire interior and also make displays to suit your needs and requirements. We are also happy to work with external interior designers.

    How long will it take before I receive my order?

    We have an extensive stock in the Netherlands. If you want to order from our stock, the products can be delivered within a week. If your products are custom-made, delivery takes about 5 weeks.

    What about aftercare and warranty?

    We offer comprehensive service options. We ourselves favour an annual check-up, which we are happy to offer. This way, you can rest assured that you won’t run into potential problems in the high season. Furthermore, our parts and installation come with a one-year warranty.

    Air- or water-cooled compressor?

    This depends entirely on the situation, so there is no one correct answer. Air cooling is cheaper, but water cooling is more stable. Furthermore, things like space and connection are factors that affect cooling technology.

    For more information, you can always contact us at or 088 – 1234 567

    Will you take my old equipment back?

    We can dispose of this for you for free, if you would like.

    Looking for a manual?

    Check your product page!